2011年10月14日 星期五

Aqua Timez-Alones 中文歌詞

你收起了淡淡的羽翼 只是因為有些疲於翱翔藍天
其實只需為自己而活 你再也不必為別人強顏歡笑

孤獨依舊不知不覺地悄悄來臨 心中搖曳著弱的燭火
與喧鬧的晚宴 豪華的吊燈 如同兩個不同的世界

無話可說的我 要用什麼才能填補這份寂寞

如果至少能在夢中自由暢遊 那麼早已不需要那樣的天空
不必將昨日的往事完全掩蓋 也能夠走向明天

你收起了淡淡的羽翼 只是因為有些疲於翱翔藍天
其實只需為自己而活 你再也不必為別人強顏歡笑

要想與曾經的自卑達成和解 其實並非那麼容易實現
如同自我意識最高處的鏡子 所映出的那一片片花瓣
儘管一次次聲嘶力竭地 呼喚著純潔無暇的真愛

在不停循環的時光中 曾經的傷口也終究會漸漸癒合
可你卻不願一味等待 憧憬著無比美好而渺茫的夢想

如同傷疤脫落後新生的茸毛 你在陽光下顫抖著許下心願
其實如今你真的不必 勉強自己去愛上什麼人

有時候對於向上攀爬的人來說 這個世界會有些太過光芒眩目
當你悶悶不樂地低下雙眼之後 乾涸大地反而會為你吸去淚滴


Your folded pale wings
are just a little tired from the overly blue sky
You don’t have to force your smile for anyone else
It’s alright to smile only for yourself

Loneliness continues to creep up on me,
a candle alight on the inside
Such a gorgeous chandelier
shouldn’t be at a crowded party, like this one
Why should I bury it all
in the emptiness of words that are lacking?
I don’t know anymore

As long as we can swim freely in our dreams,
we don’t need the sky anymore
Even if I can’t paint over everything
that happened up until yesterday,
I’ll still come out to meet you tomorrow

Your folded pale wings
are just a little tired from the overly blue sky
You don’t have to force your smile for anyone else
It’s alright to smile only for yourself

Inferiority complexes and reconciliations
aren’t things that will come true so easily
The mirror that remains
at the top of self-consciousness reflects flower petals
It looks like my voice is strained
from trying to cry out with an impure love
It’s irritating

In these changing times,
wounds will soon turn into scars
Without waiting for that to happen,
you’re so beautiful, and so fleeting…

Prayers shiver in the sun,
like traces of down that have come loose
It’s alright to not think about loving someone
as being too much for you right now

Sometimes this world is a little bit too dazzling
to walk looking upward in
When you cast your eyes down,
as though sinking, the dry ground slurps up your tears

Why do we feel so alone anytime?
You don’t have to take on everything
Why do we feel so alone anytime?
Just putting up with it isn’t courage

