2012年1月13日 星期五

[Funky Monkey Babys-Hero 放克猴寶貝-英雄] 為生活帶來陽光~

經過了附近車站的檢票口 是比平常都要勇敢的父親
You gotta run for today
今天肯定也是亂七八糟 但是還有響起的10次讀秒
為了變成家裡的英雄 就算摔倒了也要再站起來
股票再次暴跌 傾倒下來的重壓
滿員電車的萬歲聲 是在被誣賴時不放棄的對策
紅燈區的誘惑 擦肩而過的週末
等待在家的心愛的家人 只要還有他們的微笑就好
經過了附近車站的檢票口 是比平常都要勇敢的父親 Hero
回首便是夢的足跡 那條延長線的柏油路 Daddy
You gotta run for today
但是為了家庭 一直都是一個人悄悄地戰鬥著
雖然不好意思開口講 但這份努力大家都清楚
股票再次暴跌 傾倒下來的重壓
忍受著堆在肩上的壓力 壓抑了想要去玩一玩的心情
紅燈區的誘惑 擦肩而過的週末
鞭打著身體的家務 又要迎來星期一
在日復一日的每一天中 也有很多事情要做吧父親 Do it
男兒有淚不輕彈 同時守護著重要的人 天就會放晴!
在你的背上背負著愛Yeah Yeah 今天也要加油
老婆掌管的客廳 以樹醇啤酒乾杯吧
就算是看不見明天的日本之夜 也會有太陽再次升起
經過了附近車站的檢票口 是比平常都要勇敢的父親 Hero
回首便是夢的足跡 那條延長線的柏油路 Daddy
You gotta run for today
You gotta run for today

Dad always be a little more brave when you near the train gate Daddy!
The Wow Wow voices of those you love can be heard from the back.
You gotta run for today. Run towards your goal!

Tired last night and alcohol is still left even at 6:00am. Oh!
Pour in the vegetable juice, sprinting gloomy news from the morning.
But surely you stand up today with 10 counts of agony.
Either way stand up and become a hero for the family!

Pressure to take the plunge.
Do not give up the false charges of a packed train
The weekend is coming and there's temptation.
As there is a smile waiting for the beloved family home.

Always be a little more brave Father when you near the train gate Hero!
Crowd -
The length of the asphalt in the footsteps of the dream. Look back Daddy!
The WowWow voices of those you love can be heard from the back.
You gotta run for today. Run towards your goal!

Onnaji time going to watch the news on TV every day Dad
What is so seemingly ordinary office workers looked pallid from others
Fought alone in the silence, even for his family.
Luck, but that is hard to say.

Pressure to take the plunge.
So want to go spend time with loved ones, to keep from feeling less stress accumulating.
The weekend is coming and there's temptation.
Family Services also welcome Monday stick hit the body

Has to repeat every day in metric. Do it!
Fighting in the world in silence
Sunny sky. It's the man who protects the most important fought back tears!
Love what is behind you, and carry it with you. Yeah Yeah today.

Let's toast the third beer in the living room to the wife.
Even though tomorrow has not come, Japan does not see the sun during the rise of the night.

Hatori Takuya's speech:
My dream, by Hatori Takuya
My father is a news annoucer.
Every morning, even while I was asleep
He goes to work
Although it is very troublesome and tiring.
My father will always smile while he is doing his job.

For the family's sake,
And everyone who watches television.
He does his best at his work
I think that he is the greatest
My dream is to become an announcer like my father.
The end.

Always be a little more brave Father when you near the train gate Hero!
Crowd -
The length of the asphalt in the footsteps of the dream. Look back Daddy!
The WowWow voices of those you love can be heard from the back.
You gotta run for today. Run towards your goal!
You gotta run for today. Run towards your goal!

